Maintenance of a gasoline-powered car

Every knowledgeable driver knows it, the maintenance of a gasoline-powered car is easier and less expensive than for the other engines. In 2017, the number of new registrations was estimated at 53% for a gasoline car compared to 23% in 2008.

Why opt for a gasoline-powered vehicle?

Gasoline cars are on the rise and this is because of their easier and less expensive maintenance than diesel cars. In addition, gasoline cars are cheaper to buy than diesel engines. Take for example the case of a new Renault Captur, a driver will have to drive at least 70,000 kilometers per year to make his diesel model profitable.

How to best maintain your gasoline engine?

The maintenance of a gasoline-powered car is certainly easier than in the case of a particular diesel engine, but it is important to check many related points: Engine (oil change, coolant, timing belt, exhaust, etc.) Electricity (battery, alternator, candles, headlights, etc.) Safety (brakes, shock absorbers, etc.) Comfort (heating/cooling, windows, and electric seats, etc.)

Why is the maintenance of a gasoline car cheaper?

Gasoline engines are very well known by manufacturers and dealers. They are extremely well-developed systems that are relatively simple and use less electronics than diesel engines. For instance, they often have a turbo associated with their engine that can play tricks to owners. As a result, some motorists prefer to have gasoline engines to diesel ones. It will depend on your needs but it is interesting to ask this question.

A mastered maintenance

Routine maintenance is recommended every 15,000 or 30,000 km depending on the type and age of the vehicle. It most often includes:
  • engine oil change, which reduces friction between parts, provides cooling and protects the engine against corrosion;
  • a check of the oil level and the coolant which, as its name implies, cools the engine parts;
  • brake control (discs and pads);
  • headlight control;
  • the control of the battery;
  • replacing the oil filter.
The ideal scenario is to make a check on the vehicle every 8 months. Beyond the technical control or unavoidable draining, there are a number of things to check: change the oil filter, pollen filter, check the condition of the battery, monitor the brake fluid, check the timing belt and the hoses.

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